With lots of on-site amenities, like exercise programs and enriching activities, LifeStream at Youngtown offers plenty of ways to stay busy. Still, it's nice to get out and explore Youngtown and the surrounding areas when you want a change of scenery. Youngtown itself is quite small, but nearby communities keep residents close to lots of other options. Try these activities the next time you want to explore the area.
You've likely seen plenty of headlines claiming to reveal the secret to a strong immune system. But the truth is, keeping your body healthy overall is the best way to boost your immunity. When your body is healthy, it can do all the functions it needs to do more efficiently while fighting off the germs you come into contact with daily. Follow these tips to make healthy changes that can also help you avoid getting the flu, colds and other bugs.
Changes throughout your body, from graying hair to chronic health conditions, are common with age. It's also common to notice changes in your vision the older you get. From a decrease in vision to eye diseases, these age-related issues can affect all aspects of your life. Learn more about the common vision changes that happen as you get older and what you can do to prevent or slow them.
When you have visual challenges, normal tasks you love can become more difficult. Reading can be particularly challenging due to changes in your eyesight as you age. Luckily, a variety of devices and strategies can make reading a little easier when you have visual challenges. These strategies help you continue to enjoy the benefits of reading, including improved memory retention and stress reduction.
The restaurant-style dining and daily from-scratch specials at LifeStream at Youngtown make it easy to eat well. If you want to explore new dishes in your assisted living apartment, seasonal fall produce can be a healthy way to experiment. In-season produce usually tastes better and has higher levels of nutrients. With so many delicious and healthy fruits and veggies coming into season in autumn, there's a bounty of options to try as you welcome fall.
People of all ages experience anxiety, but learning how to control your anxious feelings can help you handle everyday situations. A little anxiety is a good thing — it helps you act when you need to in situations that could be risky or dangerous. However, anxiety can become so overwhelming that it stops you from doing everyday tasks. LifeStream at Youngtown offers convenient, on-site amenities that can make life less stressful, but using additional strategies to master your anxiety can also help.
You don't have to look far to see just how much technology has progressed in the past 50 years alone. Perhaps you grew up during a time when cell phones, apps and streaming services were lofty, imaginative concepts in magazines like Popular Science: What the World Will Look Like in 2020! Now, of course, these are basic parts of everyday life and communication around the world.
As the first Major Prophet book in the Old Testament, Isaiah is a fascinating read. One of the longest and most diverse books of the Bible, it contains judgments, prophecies and historical details from the lives of four Israeli kings.
Retiring with debt can make it more difficult to stretch your retirement funds, and medical debt is a major concern, with 4.5 million older adults having medical debt in 2018. Housing debt, such as mortgages and home equity loans, and credit card balances often add to the amount owed. Reducing debt can give you more breathing room in your budget.
If you're a resident in our community, we want to inspire you with fresh, new ideas to help you take time for your spiritual, mental and physical well-being as often as possible. Your quality of life is important to us as, and keeping up mobility can be a big part of supporting that quality.No matter what your age is, it's hard to stay moving in this day and age. With the boom in technology and convenience over the past 30 years alone, modern life has become increasingly more sedentary. In spite of this, finding ways to stay moving is easier than you may think. Here are some tips on how to stay moving and keep getting those steps in as an older adult.
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